SixBit API Schema
SixBit API Schema
BuyersA collection of Buyer elements.
CompatibilitySetsA collection of CompatibilitySet elements.
InventoryThe information necessary to perform an update to inventory.
InventorysA collection of Inventory elements.
ItemsA collection of Item elements.
OrdersA collection of Order elements.
SalesA collection of Sale elements.
ShipmentsA collection of Shipment elements.
SixBitAPICallsA collection of calls to the SixBit API.
SuppliersA collection of Supplier elements.
Complex Types
Complex TypeDescription
AddressTypeAn address.
AmazonTypeItem information specific to Amazon.
Buyer_AddUpdateTypeAn API call to add or update buyers.
Buyer_ListTypeAn API call to retrieve a list of buyers.
BuyersTypeA collection of Buyer elements.
BuyerTypeThe information about a buyer.
CompatibilitiesTypeA collection of compatibilities.
CompatibilitySet_AddUpdateTypeAn API call to add or update compatibility sets.
CompatibilitySet_ListTypeAn API call to retrieve a list of compatibility sets.
CompatibilitySetsTypeA collection of CompatibilitySet elements.
CompatibilitySetTypeThe information about a compatibility set.
CompatibilityTypeThe information about a compatibility.
CustomFieldsTypeThe user defined custom fields.
DeletedValuesTypeValues deleted since the last version.
eBayTypeItem information specific to eBay.
EtsyTypeItem information specific to Etsy.
Inventory_AddTypeAn API call to add inventory to an item.
Inventory_ListTypeAn API call to retrieve a list of inventory.
Inventory_ReconcileToTypeAn API call to reconcile inventory on an item.
Inventory_RemoveTypeAn API call to remove inventory from an item.
Inventory_SetTypeAn API call to set values on an items inventory.
Inventory_ShrinkTypeAn API call to shrink an items inventory.
InventorysTypeA collection of Inventory elements.
InventoryTypeThe information about an items inventory.
Item_AddUpdateTypeAn API call to add or update items.
Item_ListTypeAn API call to retrieve a list of items.
ItemSpecificsTypeA collection of item specifics.
ItemsTypeA collection of Item elements.
ItemTypeThe information about an item.
Order_AddUpdateTypeAn API call to add or update orders.
Order_ListTypeAn API call to retrieve a list of orders.
OrdersTypeA collection of Order elements.
OrderTypeThe information about an order.
PicturesTypeA collection of Picture elements.
PictureTypeThe information about a picture.
PurchaseTypeThe information about a purchase.
Sale_AddUpdateTypeAn API call to add or update sales.
Sale_ListTypeAn API call to retrieve a list of sales.
SalesTypeA collection of Sale elements.
SaleTypeThe information about a sale.
SelectedValuesTypeA collection of selectedvalue elements.
SelectedValueTypeA single item specific name/value pair.
Shipment_AddUpdateTypeAn API call to add or update shipments.
Shipment_ListTypeAn API call to retrieve a list of shipments.
ShipmentsTypeA collection of Shipment elements.
ShipmentTypeThe information about a shipment.
ShopifyTypeItem information specific to Shopify.
Supplier_AddUpdateTypeAn API call to add or update suppliers.
Supplier_ListTypeAn API call to retrieve a list of suppliers.
SuppliersTypeA collection of Supplier elements.
SupplierTypeThe information about a supplier.
VariationDefinitionTypeDefines the variation value for import. Pass the appropriate attributes if seeking to generate a variation set for the item.
VariationsTypeA collection of Variation elements.
VariationTypeThe information about a variation.
VideosTypeA collection of Video elements.
VideoTypeThe information about a video.
Simple Types
Simple TypeDescription
AccountNumTypeThe account number.
ActualInsuranceCostTypeThe sellers actual cost of insurance.
ActualShippingCostTypeThe is the sellers actual cost to ship.
AddressLine1TypeThe first address line.
AddressLine2TypeThe second address line.
AddressLine3TypeThe third address line.
AdFeeTypeThe eBay Promoted Listings fee.
AdjustmentCostReasonTypeThe reason for the adjustment cost.
AdjustmentCostTypeThe adjustment cost.
AdjustmentFeeReasonTypeThe reason for the adjustment fee.
AdjustmentFeeTypeThe adjustment fee.
AllocationPlanIDTypeThe unique identifier for an allocation plan.
AllocationPlanNameTypeThe name of the allocation plan. If the AllocationPlanID is provided, it will override this value.
AmazonCatalogSummaryThe Amazon catalog summary of the item.
AmazonConditionNoteThe Amazon condition description of the item.
AmazonConditionTypeThe Condition of an Amazon product.
AmazonShippingTemplateNameThe Amazon shipping template name of the item.
ASINTypeThe ASIN of an Amazon product.
auactionParamThe add/update action to be performed.
AutoAcceptBOPercentTypeThe percent at which to accept a best offer.
AutoAcceptBOTypeThis flag indicates the seller automatically accepts the best offer based on the AutoAcceptBOValue or AutoAcceptBOPercent values.
AutoAcceptBOValueTypeThe value at which to accept a best offer.
AutoDeclineBOPercentTypeThe percent at which to decline a best offer.
AutoDeclineBOTypeThis flag indicates the seller automatically declines the best offer based on the AutoDeclineBOValue or AutoDeclineBOPercent values.
AutoDeclineBOValueTypeThe value at which to decline a best offer.
BestOfferTypeThis flag indicates the seller accepts offers for the item.
BOValueTypeTypeThe type of auto accept/decline.
BusinessProfileIDTypeThe unique identifier of the business profile. It is generated by SixBit internally.
BusinessProfileNameTypeThe name of the business profile. If the BusinessProfileID is provided, this will be ignored.
BuyerIDTypeThe unique identifier of a buyer. It is created internally by SixBit. This field is used to identify a buyer during an update. It is ignored during an Add operation.
BuyItNowPriceTypeThe buy it now price.
CatalogItemTypeThis flag indicates the seller accepts offers for the item.
CatalogSummaryTypeThis XML structure holds the information for this catalog item.
Category1IDTypeThe numeric id of the first category for the item.
Category1NameTypeThe name of the first category. Category levels are separated by ::.
Category2IDTypeThe numeric id of the second category for the item.
Category2NameTypeThe name of the second category. Category levels are separated by ::.
CategoryIDTypeThe category ID for this item.
CategoryNameTypeThe category name for this item.
ChargedShippingCostTypeThe shipping amount charged to the buyer.
CharityIDTypeThe unique identifier of the charity to benefit from the sale of the item.
CharityPercentTypeThe charity percent for the item.
CheckoutCompletedTypeThis flag indicates that checkout has been completed.
CityTypeThe city name.
CollectionsShopifyTypeShopify collects.
CommissionInTypeThe amount of the commission collected for a consignment.
CompanyTypeThe company name.
CompatibilitySetIDTypeThe unique identifier for a compatibility set.
CompatibilitySetNameTypeThe name of the compatibility set. If the CompatibilitySetID is provided, it will override this value.
ConditionDescriptionTypeThe eBay condition description of the item.
ConsignmentPlanIDTypeThe unique identifier of a Consignment Plan.
ConsignmentPlanNameTypeThe name of a Consignment Plan. If the ConsignmentPlanID is provided, this field will be ignored.
ConsignorListingFeeTypeThe listing fee paid by the consignor.
ConsignorNotifiedDateTypeThe date the consignor was notified of the sale.
ConsignorPaidDateTypeThe date the consignor was paid.
ConversionRateTypeThe conversion rate at the point of sale.
CostTypeThe cost of an item.
CounterIDTypeThe counter to use for this items listings.
CountryTypeThe country.
CreatedDateTypeThe date created.
CSNameTypeThe name of the compatibility set.
CurrencyCodeTypeThe currency code of a sale.
DateLastModifiedTypeThe date the information was modified last.
DatePurchasedTypeThe date purchased
DeletedValueTypeThe value that was deleted.
DescriptionTypeThe description of the item.
DescriptionWrapperIDTypeThe unique identifier for a description wrapper.
DescriptionWrapperNameTypeThe name of the description wrapper. If the DescriptionWrapperID is provided, it will override this value.
DimensionDepthTypeThe depth of a package.
DimensionLengthTypeThe length of a package.
DimensionWidthTypeThe width of a package.
DisputeIDTypeThis is dispute ID if the sale is in dispute.
DropShipperNotifiedDateTypeThe date the drop shipper was notified of the sale.
EarliestDeliveryDateTypeThe earliest delivery date.
EarliestShipDateTypeThe earliest ship date.
eBayAddressIDTypeThe id stored at eBay for the address.
eBayConditionIDTypeThe ID of the eBay Condition
eBayConditionTypeThe Condition of an eBay product.
eBayTitleTypeThe eBay title of the item.
eBayUseridTypeThe eBay userid.
eCommerceIDTypeThe unique identifier of a listing on a eCommerce site.
EmailTypeThe email address.
EnabledOnSiteTypeThis flag indicates the the record is enabled for a particular site.
EPIDTypeThe site-specific unique identifier of the record.
ExtendedPriceTypeThe extended price of the sale (quantity x saleprice). This is ignored and calculated automatically on imports.
ExternalItemIDTypeThe externally generated, unique identifier of the item.
ExternalOrderIDTypeThe externally generated, unique identifier of the order.
ExternalShipmentIDTypeThe externally generated, unique identifier of the shipment.
ExternalTransactionIDTypeThe externally generated, unique identifier of the payment transaction.
FaxTypeThe fax number.
FeaturedRankTypeThe featured rank for this item.
FeedbackLeftTypeThis flag indicates that feedback has been left for the buyer.
FeedbackMessageReceivedTypeThe text of the feedback message that was left by the buyer.
FeedbackMessageSentTypeThe feedback message sent by the seller.
FeedbackReceivedTypeThis flag indicates the buyer has left feedback for the sale.
FeedbackReminderSentDateTypeThe date the feedback reminder email was sent.
FeedbackResponseSentTypeThe text of the feedback response sent by the seller.
FeedbackTypeReceivedTypeThe type of feedback received.
FeedbackTypeSentTypeThe type of feedback sent.
FirstNameTypeThe first name.
FixedPriceTypeThe fixed price.
FolderIDTypeThe unique identifier for a folder.
FolderNameTypeThe name of a folder. If the FolderID is provided, it will override this value.
FulfilledDateTypeThe date the order was fulfilled.
FulfillmentLatencyTypeThe number of days an Item takes to ship.
FulfillmentSourceTypeThis flag indicates the source of the Inventory fulfillment.
FVFRefundRequestedDateTypeThe date a final value fee refund was requested.
FVFTypeThe Final Value Fee paid to the site.
GeneratedURLEtsyTypeThe URL generated by SixBit or Etsy.
GeneratedURLShopifyTypeThe URL generated by SixBit or Shopify.
GeneratedURLTypeThe URL generated by SixBit or listing Site.
GiftMessageTypeA message for the gift.
GiftWrapPriceTypeThe earliest delivery date.
HandlingFeeTypeThe handling fee.
InDisputeTypeThis flag indicates a sale is in disupte on the eCommerce site.
InitialTypeThe middle initial.
InsuranceIDTypeThe unique identifier of the purchased insurance.
InsuranceTypeTypeThe type of insurance chosen.
InsuredDateTypeThe date a shipment was insured.
InsuredValueTypeThe value the shipment is insured for.
IntegratedCarrierIDTypeThe unique identifier of the integrated carrier for the shipment
InventoryManagementTypeThe Inventory Management.
InventoryPolicyTypeThe inventory policy for this item.
InventoryTitleTypeThe Inventory Title.
InvoicedDateTypeThe date the invoice was sent.
InvoiceNumberTypeThe invoice number.
IsConsignedTypeThis flag indicates the record is consigned.
IsConsignorNotificationSentTypeThis flag indicates the consignor has been notified of the sale.
IsConsignorPaidTypeThis flag indicates the consignor has been paid for the sale.
IsConsignorTypeThis flag differentiates normal Suppliers from Consignors.
IsCustomizableTypeA flag indicating if this item allows customization requests.
IsDropShipperNotifiedTypeThis flag indicates the drop shipper has been notified of the sale.
IsFeedbackReminderSentTypeThis flag indicates the feedback reminder email has been sent.
IsGiftTypeIf the order is a gift or not.
IsInvoicedTypeThis flag indicates that an invoice has been sent for the order.
IsManualURLTypeThis flag indicates the picture is referenced from a URL and not stored by SixBit. If set to "true", the ManualURL element must be provided.
IsMissingTypeThis flag indicates a shipment is missing.
ISNameTypeThe name of the item specific.
IsPackingListPrintedTypeThis flag indicates the packing list has been printed.
IsPaymentAckSentTypeThis flag indicates the payment acknowledgement email has been sent.
IsPostagePrintedTypeThis flag indicates the postage has been printed.
IsScanFormPrintedTypeThis flag indicates the scan form has been printed for the shipment.
IsShippedNotificationSentTypeThis flag indicates the shipment notification email has been sent.
IsShippedTypeThis flag indicates a shipment has been shipped.
IsTaxableTypeThis flag indicates the item is taxable.
IsTemplateTypeThis flag indicates the item record is an item template.
ISTypeTypeThe type of the item specific.
IsUSPSPickupRequestedTypeThis flag indicates a USPS pickup has been requested for the shipment.
ISValueIDTypeThe integer value of the type of the item specific.
ISValueTypeThe value for the item specific.
IsVariationPictureTypeThis flag indicates the picture is for a variation item.
ItemIDTypeThe unique identifier of an item. It is created internally by SixBit. This field is used to identify an item during an item update. It is ignored when adding an Item. When included as part of adding a sale, it is used to identify the item associated with the sale.
ItemStatusTypeThe status of an item. This field is required if the SubStatusID or SubStatusName field is provided.
JPEGPictureTypeThe binary jpeg image. If a Path value is provided, it will override this value.
LastCostTypeThe most recent cost value of a purchase made for this item.
LastListDateTypeThe date the record was last listed.
LastNameTypeThe last name.
LatestDeliveryDateTypeThe latest delivery date.
LatestShipDateTypeThe latest ship date.
ListingTypeTypeThe listing type of a listing.
ListingUpgradeIDTypeThe unique identifier for a listing upgrade preset.
ListingUpgradeNameTypeThe name of the listing upgrade preset. If the ListingUpgradeID is provided, it will override this value.
LotSizeTypeThe lot size for the item.
ManualPictureURLTypeThe web address (URL) for the manually hosted picture.
MaterialsTypeThe materials for this item.
MaximumSellerAllowedPriceTypeThe maximum seller allowed price.
MinimumAdvertisedPriceTypeThe minimum advertised price.
MinimumSellerAllowedPriceTypeThe minimum seller allowed price.
MSRPTypeThe manufacturers suggested retail price.
NameTitleTypeThe persons title (i.e. President, Director of Sales, etc.)
NameTypeThe full name (First Name + Initial + LastName).
NeedsGiftWrapTypeIf the order needs gift wrap or not.
NonTaxableTypeA flag indicating if this item is nontaxable.
NotesTypeThese are private notes.
NVNameTypeThe name part of a name/value pair.
NVValueTypeThe value part of a name/value pair.
OccasionTypeThe occasion for this item.
OrderIDTypeThis is unique identifier of the Order. It is created internally by SixBit. This field is used to identify a order during an update. It is ignored during an Add operation.
OrderStatusTypeThe status of an order. This field is required if the SubStatusID or SubStatusName field is provided.
OrdinalIDTypeThe ordinal ID for an object. It indicates the order the object is displayed in the interface. If not provided, it defaults to the next available.
OriginTemplateIDTypeThe identifier of an origin template.
OriginTemplateNameTypeThe name of an origin template. If the OriginTemplateID is provided, this field will be ignored.
PathTypeThe path to the picture on the hard drive.
PaymentAckSentDateTypeThe date the payment acknowledgement email was sent.
PaymentClearedDateTypeThe date the payment cleared.
PaymentPolicyIDTypeThe payment policy ID.
PaymentPolicyNameTypeThe payment policy name.
PaymentPresetIDTypeThe unique identifier for a payment preset.
PaymentPresetNameTypeThe name of the payment preset. If the PaymentPresetID is provided, it will override this value.
PaymentProcessingFeeTypeThe fee paid to any payment processing service (like PayPal)
PaymentReceivedDateTypeThe date the payment was received.
PaymentTypeTypeThe payment type.
PayPalTransactionIDTypeThe PayPal transaction id.
PhoneTypeThe phone number.
PictureIDTypeThe ID for a picture.
PicturePackTypeThis flag indicates the picture pack feature should be used when listing the item.
PictureTitleTypeThe title for the picture.
PictureURLTypeThe web address (URL) for the picture.
PONumberTypeThe purchase order number.
PostalCodeTypeThe postal/zip code.
PrefixTypeThe name prefix (i.e. Mr., Mrs., Dr., etc.)
PrivateTypeThis flag indicates the item is a private item.
ProcessingMaxTypeThe maximum processing time.
ProcessingMinTypeThe minimum processing time.
ProductBrandTypeThe product's brand.
ProductIDTypeThe product id. It is a unique identifier usually assigned by the manufacturer (i.e. part number, model number, etc.). When included as part of adding a sale, it is used to identify the item associated with the sale.
ProductIDTypeTypeThe type of product ID.
ProductTypeTypeThe product type of a shopify item.
QtyCurrentlyListedTypeThe amount of inventory listed to any site.
QtySoldTypeThe quantity sold in a sale.
QtyToListTypeThe quantity to list.
QtyUncommittedTypeThe amount of inventory unclaimed by orders or listings.
QtyUnlistedTypeThe amount of inventory that isn't listed to any site.
QtyWaitingToShipTypeThe amount of inventory claimed by orders.
QuantityTypeThe quantity.
RawSalePriceTypeThe price before factoring in conversion rate.
RecipientTypeThe recipient for this item.
ReferenceIDTypeAn external reference ID for an address.
RemainingDueAmountTypeThe amount still due on an order.
ReservePriceTypeThe reserve price.
RestockAtTypeThe restock level.
RestockDateTypeThe restock date
RestockToTypeThe amount to restock the item to.
ReturnPolicyIDTypeThe return policy ID.
ReturnPolicyNameTypeThe return policy name.
SaleDateTypeThe date the sale occurred.
SaleIDTypeThis is unique identifier of the Sale. It is created internally by SixBit. This field is used to identify a sale during an update. It is ignored during an Add operation.
SalePriceTypeThe sale price.
SalesTaxIDTypeThe buyers sales tax id.
SalesTaxTypeThe sales tax charged. When creating sales, the value will be ignored and instead will be calculated based on the items "IsTaxable" property and the ship to location.
ScanFormManifestIDTypeThe manifest id of the scan form a shipment is part of.
SelfHostPicturesTypeThis flag indicates the pictures will be self hosted.
SEODescriptionTypeThe seo title of a shopify item.
SEOTitleTypeThe seo title of a shopify item.
ShipmentIDTypeThis is unique identifier of the Shipment. It is created internally by SixBit. This field is used to identify a shipment during an update. It is ignored during an Add operation.
ShippedDateTypeThe date shipped.
ShippedNotificationSentDateTypeThe date the shipment notification was sent.
ShippingPackageTypeThe package size definition for eBay Business Policies.
ShippingPolicyIDTypeThe shipping policy ID.
ShippingPolicyNameTypeThe shipping policy name.
ShippingPresetIDTypeThe unique identifier for a shipping preset.
ShippingPresetNameTypeThe name of the shipping preset. If the ShippingPresetID is provided, it will override this value.
ShippingServiceCostOverrideListTypeThe overriding shipping service.
ShippingServiceIDTypeThe unique identifier of a shipping service. Consult the documentation for a list of available shipping service ids.
ShopifyLocationTypeShopify location.
ShopSectionIDTypeThe ID of the shop section this item belongs in.
ShopSectionNameTypeThe name of the shop section this item belongs in
SiteOrderIDTypeThe ID given to this order by the marketplace it originated from.
SiteSalesTaxCollectedAmountTypeThe amount of sales tax collected by the sale site.
SiteTypeThe unique identifier of the site.
SKUTypeStock Keeping Unit. This is unique identifier of an inventory item. When updating or adding variation items, this field is required. When included as part of adding a sale, it is used to identify the item associated with the sale. It is required when adding a sale for a variation item.
StartingPriceTypeThe starting price.
StateTypeThe state.
StockDropshipTypeThe inventory stocked by drop shippers.
StockFBATypeThe inventory stocked by FBA.
StockPhotoURLTypeThe URL of the stock photo.
StockSelfTypeThe inventory stocked by you.
StockTotalTypeThe total actual inventory of the item.
StorageLocationTypeThe storage location.
StoreCategory1IDTypeThe numeric id of the first store category for the item.
StoreCategory1NameTypeThe name of the first store category. Category levels are separated by ::.
StoreCategory2IDTypeThe numeric id of the second store category for the item.
StoreCategory2NameTypeThe name of the second store category. Category levels are separated by ::.
SubStatusIDTypeThe substatus id of a record. It is an internally generated identifier of a substatus.
SubStatusNameTypeThe substatus name of a record. If the SubStatusID is provided, this will be ignored. The StatusID or StatusName is required when providing a SubStatusID or SubStatusName.
SubTitleTypeThe eBay subtitle of the item.
SuffixTypeThe name suffix (i.e. Phd, M.D., etc.).
SupplierIDTypeThis is unique identifier of a supplier. It is created internally by SixBit. This field is used to identify a supplier during an update. It is ignored during an Add operation.
SupplierNameTypeThe full name of a supplier.
TagsShopifyTypeThe tags for this item.
TagsTypeThe tags for this item.
TaxableTypeA flag indicating if this item is taxable.
ThemeIDTypeThe id of the eBay theme for the item. It is the numeric identifier that eBay uses for a theme.
TitleTypeThe title of an item.
TotalConsignorChargesTypeThe total amount charged to the consignor.
TotalDueAmountTypeThe total amount due.
TotalPaidAmountTypeThe total amount paid by the buyer.
TrackingNumberTypeThe tracking number.
TransactionIDTypeThe site provided transaction id. If during an add or update, this results in creating a duplicate sale with the same transactionID as another sale, the sale will be deleted by SixBit which could result in the shipment and order being deleted.
UploadListsTypeThe upload lists to put this item into.
UsePreWrittenSummaryTypeThis flag indicates the prewritten summary from the catalog should be used as the item description.
UseShippingCostOverrideTypeThis flag indicates whether to use the Shipping Cost Override details.
UseStockPhotoAsGalleryTypeThis flag indicates the stock photo from the catalog should be used as the gallery picture.
UseStockPhotoTypeThis flag indicates the stock photo from the catalog should be used as the item picture.
UseStockTitleTypeThis flag indicates the stock title from the catalog should be used as the item title.
UseVariationsTypeThis flag indicates that multi variations are in use on the item.
USPSPickupManifestIDTypeThe manifest id of the USPS pickup request a shipment is a part of.
ValueCarriedTypeThe total cost of inventory currently in possession.
VariationInUseTypeThis flag indicates the variation is currently in use.
VariationScarcityLevelTypeThe variation scarcity level. This is only applicable if the IsVariation flag on the item is turned on.
VariationSetIDThe unique identifier for the variation set associated with item.
VariationSetNameTypeThe name of the variation set associated with the item. If provided, the VariationSetID will override this value.
VariationSpecificNameValueTypeThe name/value of the variation for this picture.
VariationValueTypeThe variation value. This is only applicable if the IsVariation flag on the item is turned on.
VATPercentTypeThe Value Added Tax Percent for this item.
VendorTypeThe vendor of a shopify item.
VideoDescriptionTypeThe description for the video.
VideoTitleTypeThe title for the video.
WebAddressTypeThe web address.
WeightMajorTypeThe major weight of a single item in the sale.
WeightMinorTypeThe minor weight of a single item in the sale.
WhatIsItTypeWho made the item.
WhenMadeTypeWhen the item was made.
WhoMadeTypeWho made the item.
Attribute Groups
Attribute GroupDescription
consignornotifiedattrGroupAttributes to specify a range of dates the consignor was notified about a sale.
consignorpaidattrGroupAttributes to specify a range of dates the consignor was paid for a sale.
createdattrGroupAttributes to specify a range of dates an object was created.
dropshippernotifiedattrGroupAttributes to specify a range of dates the drop shipper was notified about a shipment.
fulfilledattrGroupAttributes to specify a range of dates an order was fulfilled.
insuredattrGroupAttributes to specify a range of dates a shipment was insured.
invoicedattrGroupAttributes to specify a range of dates an order was invoiced.
listedattrGroupAttributes to specify a range of dates an item was listed.
modifiedattrGroupAttributes to specify a range of dates an object was modified.
orderidattrGroupAttributes to specify the internal or external identifier for an order.
pagingattrGroupAttributes to provide paging capabilities.
paymentclearedattrGroupAttributes to specify a range of dates payment cleared on an order.
paymentreceivedattrGroupAttributes to specify a range of dates payment was received on an order.
purchasedattrGroupAttributes to specify a range of dates an object was purchased.
saledateattrGroupAttributes to specify a range of dates a sale occurred.
shipmentidattrGroupAttributes to specify the internal or external identifier for a shipment.
shippedattrGroupAttributes to specify a range of dates a shipment was shipped.
shippednotificationattrGroupAttributes to specify a range of dates the the buyer was notified about a shipment.



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