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Error 27552: Existing Database Needs to be Removed Print

  • 27552, Installation Error, SQL Error, Installation, Error
  • 9262


During installation, the user sees the following error:

Error 27552. Error creating database SBData. Server: Microsoft SQL Server \SIXBITDBSERVER. CREATE DATABASE failed. Some file names could not be created. Check related errors. (1802)


This error will occur if you have uninstalled SQL Server, but have left your SBData files still on the computer. During the installation, SixBit reinstalls SQL Server, but when it tries to create a new database, it finds other files in its place and can't create it.


After uninstalling SQL Server (which should only be performed in very special cases), you must also delete or move the database files. By default, the database files (SBData.mdf and SBData_Log.ldf) will be in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.SIXBITDBSERVER\MSSQL\DATA folder.

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