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Multi-Warehouse Integration Beta Testing for eBay Print

  • beta, Beta Testers, Beta Testing, mutli-warehouse, warehouse, warehouse shipping
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Benefits of Multi-Warehouse Integration

 - Improved Order Fulfillment Efficiency: With multi-warehouse integration, sellers can optimize order fulfillment by strategically distributing inventory across different locations, reducing shipping times and costs. 

 - Enhanced Inventory Management: Sellers can track inventory levels more accurately across multiple warehouses, minimizing stockouts and overstock situations.

 - Better Customer Experience: Faster delivery times and reliable inventory availability contribute to higher customer satisfaction and repeat purchases.

 - Scalability: Multi-warehouse integration allows sellers to scale their operations more effectively, accommodating growth and expanding into new markets with ease.

Useful Information

eBay currently does not transmit the buyer's location data to SixBit at the time of sale. This information, crucial for accurate shipping handling and time estimation, is solely for the buyer's benefit. As eBay enhances its search capabilities, they will begin providing SixBit with location data. The location is determined by zip code and the frequency of warehouse usage. For beta testing purposes, warehouses will be located in different time zones (e.g., East Coast/West Coast).

Preliminary Steps to take prior to testing

  1.  To initiate the onboarding process for beta testing, provide your selleraccountID. SixBit will forward your seller account name to the eBay team managing the project for whitelisting.

  2.  Before proceeding, it is imperative to create a backup of your database. To activate the beta flag, navigate to Options | General and ensure that the option "Notify me of Betas until the next full release" is checked. Download and install the latest Beta release from:

  3.  Enable the multi-warehouse shipping option in your SixBit settings. Navigate to the File/Application Menu (the File button or the icon resembling an orange character in the top left corner of SixBit) > Options > Inventory tab, and check the multi-warehouse shipping option.


Steps & Process to Integrate Multi-Warehouse

  1.  To add a warehouse, go to the File/Application Menu > Manage > choose eBay Warehouse Locations. Warehouse locations are seller account-specific and linked to your eBay account. and Beta Testing/Multi-Warehouse Feature/use_multiwarehouse.png

From this window, create multiple warehouses, ensuring to fill in all required fields, with the key field being mandatory.

  2.  Update or create origin templates to associate each one with its respective seller account. If using the same location for multiple accounts, create an Origin Template for each. Specify your Business Profile and Warehouse location on each Origin Template.

  3.  When adding inventory to your items, specify the warehouse location on the purchase record so that SixBit can determine from which warehouse the inventory should be pulled.

  4.  Upon creating an order in SixBit, manually select the warehouse to use and adjust the Origin template accordingly (similar to the current process). This action will ensure accurate inventory tracking at each warehouse. Although the end goal is to have this automated upon order refresh, eBay has not yet implemented this feature.


{ This doc is currently in development and actively being updated. }

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