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SixBit Discussion Board Usage Guidelines Print

  • Discussion Board, Rules and Regulations, Discussion Forums, Discussion Board Usage
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General Rules And Guidelines

Be respectful of others at all times on this board. The purpose of the SixBit forum is to provide a platform for the exchange of ideas and support for its customers and membership.

We are a commercial site. Occasionally, there will be conflicts that arise when people voice opinions. Be courteous when disagreeing with others. It is possible to disagree without being insulting.

Ranting is prohibited

A rant is a post that is long-winded, redundant, and filled with angry, non-constructive comments. A free exchange of ideas is essential to building a strong sense of community and helpful in the development of the software, but rants are disruptive and incite flaming and trolling. Please post your thoughts in a concise, clear manner and avoid going off on rambling tangents.

Personal attacks are prohibited

Commonly known as flaming, personal attacks are posts that are designed to personally berate or insult another. Text of this nature is not beneficial to the community spirit and will not be tolerated.

Any form of flaming will be removed and the violating member(s) will be dealt with by Administration.

Trolling is prohibited

Trolling is the word used to describe a post that is deliberately designed for the purpose of angering and insulting the members of the forum community. Posts of this nature are disruptive and do not convey a friendly attitude.

No posting of personal information

Please respect the privacy of fellow members and do not give out information such as phone numbers and addresses.

Private communication between Moderators and Administrators of the forum and the forum users is not to be made public on these forums or by any other venue.

Warnings and bans are not to be discussed on the forum

Such matters shall remain private between the staff and the offending member. Questions or comments concerning warnings and bans will be conveyed through e-mail or private messaging. Likewise, discussions regarding moderator actions are not permitted on the forum. If you have questions regarding a post or thread, please contact one of our Administrators via PM.

Immediate banning from the forum can result from any of the following:

The posting of pornography; discriminatory remarks which are sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive; excessive obscene or vulgar language; posts which discuss or illustrate illegal activity; providing links to sites that contain any of the aforementioned.

Spamming is prohibited

Spam is considered to be repetitive posting of the same text again and again or nonsensical posts that have no substance and are often designed to annoy other forum users. Posts of this nature are not conducive to community spirit and are unwelcome.

Redundant threads will be deleted

As a courtesy to other members' topics, before beginning a new thread, please look to see if an active thread on that topic has already been established. If so, place your comments there instead. Multiple threads on the same subject clutter up the forum needlessly and many good ideas may be lost. Keep discussions about one topic to one thread only.

Impersonating another forum user, moderator, or administrator is strictly prohibited.

You may not in any form or fashion login as another user. Violations will be dealt with severely by Administration.

Advertising and Advertisements

You may not post advertisements to other non-SixBit related products or services. If you do have a product or service related to SixBit, please post the information in the "Products and Services" forum and/or your personal profile.  You may not start topics advertising your service.  If you have a product or service related to SixBit, we do allow you to reference it in replies to related topics.  The reference should briefly describe your service as it pertains to the topic and should link to a post in the "Products and Services" forum, and/or your personal profile.

Spamming posts advertising other auction management sites or related sites is strictly prohibited.

Avoid using profanity

Using partial masking (such as asterisks or punctuation marks) to bypass the profanity filter is prohibited and will result in the same action as if the actual word had been typed.

Personal issues with staff

If you have issues with a member of the staff or administrator at this board, you may NOT use the forums to air it out! All posts and topics will be deleted. Please contact the person it applies to.

Post constructively

Negative feedback can be very useful, provided that it is presented in a civil, factual manner. Tell us what you don't like and why and how you feel it could be improved. Posts that are insulting and rude may be deleted, no matter how valid the ideas behind them may be.

Disputes between Members or Staff

Disputes which cannot be resolved between forum users and moderators may be arbitrated by the forum administrators. To discuss problems or concerns, please send an e-mail to:


Please remember that if you break these guidelines you are in a position to be suspended/banned or deleted from this board.

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