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Creating a SQL Server Database with Blackthorne Basic Print

  • SQL Server, Blackthorne, BlackThorne Import, Importing Exporting Backing up Data
  • 12


To import a Blackthorne database into SixBit, it must be a SQL Server database.  This is performed from the Database|SQL Server tab in Blackthorne.  database.


When attempting to create a SQL Server database, Blackthorne Basic users do not see the SQL Server tab in Blackthorne.


Blackthorne Basic does not currently (as of 11/2/2013) provides an option to create a SQL Server database.  This will be available in an upcoming version though.


First, you should try upgrading to the latest version of Blackthorne to see if the tab has been enabled for Blackthorne Basic users yet.

If you do not see the SQL Server tab, then continue with these steps.  

Although eBay does not support using a SQL Server database with Blackthorne Basic, there is nothing that would prevent Blackthorne Basic from running with a SQL Server database.  For example, if you upgraded to BT Pro, then converted your database to SQL Server, and then downgraded to Basic, then the Basic version would still work.  The only problem would be that you would have to pay the upgrade charge just to convert your database.

However, there is another way to do this by simply "faking out" BT into thinking you have the Pro version for a minute or so.   By changing a registry setting, you can make Blackthorne think that it is the Pro version instead of the Basic version.  I want to point out that we aren't giving you a permanent backdoor to the Pro version.  As soon as you try anything in Blackthorne, or even during a scheduled check, Blackthorne will revert itself to your proper paid version.  We only need to fool it for a minute or so to enable you to convert your database.

To upgrade your BT Basic DB to SQL Server:

1. Install SixBit.  This will ensure you have the proper version of SQL Server.
2. Download, save and unzip the following file:
3. Double click the BlackthorneBasicSQLUpgrade.reg file.  This will make changes to your registry so Blackthorne temporarily thinks it is the Pro version.
4. Open Blackthorne and you will then see the SQL Server tab and can then follow the steps in or in the Importing from Blackthorne video to create your SQL Server database and import it into SixBit.

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